Crest Whitestrips
Crest White-Strips use an active peroxide gel to whiten teeth, the same
enamel-safe ingredient used in professional tooth whitening systems.
Peroxide, in various forms, has been used for over 20 years as an effective
tooth whitening agent.
A revolutionary new way to whiten teeth 10 times better than whitening
toothpastes, in just 14 days at home, using the same enamel-safe ingredient
dentists use in professional systems.
The 6.5% hydrogen peroxide is great for teens and adults needing lower
concentrations than Crest Whitestrips Supreme.
These strips are coated with higher concentrations of peroxide using less gel
to provide maximum whitening power.
They contain 14% hydrogen peroxide.
Whitestrips Supreme have been shown to whiten 43% better than Professional
Crest Whitestrips, and 80% better than Crest Whitestrips available at retail